Posts Tagged ‘CMOS’


General Printer Troubleshooting

April 9, 2010

General Printer Troubleshooting

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What is a BIOS?

March 21, 2010

BIOS is an acronym meaning Basic Input / Output System. It is stored in a chip called ROM (read only memory). Most of the latest motherboards now use EEPROM’s (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) (also called “Flash” BIOS) which can usually be upgraded by the user. (The earlier versions of the BIOS had to have the chip physically removed and replaced with a another chip programmed with a later BIOS version). When you switch on your computer the BIOS is the first program to run . It initializes and tests the hardware in your computer (called Power On Self Test or POST).

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Kapasitas RAM tidak terdeteksi secara Sempurna

March 7, 2010

Saya sering sekali menemui kejadian seperti ini.Semisal saya memasang RAM kapasitas memory 1 GB,tetapi hanya terdeteksi oleh windows sebesar 992 MB.Setelah saya cari informasi,ternyata ada beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab tidak terdeteksinya RAM dengan sempurna oleh windows.Berikut diantaranya :
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Lupa Password BIOS

January 22, 2010

Jika computer anda sering di pakai teman-teman anda ketika anda sedang tidak ada ditempat,dan banyak kejadian tidak bertanggung jawab saat meminjam.Sebaiknya anda mem-password BIOS dari computer anda.

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